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Very often you see players in conquest mode running around the map trying to capture flags, not considering that the enemies they have just captured have already been repulsed. This is an unacceptable strategy, it will bring very little benefit to your team, since the flags are captured only for a moment, and the player spends a lot of time running. It is much more effective to choose one or two flags and focus on them throughout the game. Let's look at the map of the Sinai Desert.

We can connect the dots here. Mark A with B, C with D, and F with G. Only the point E will be considered separately, since it is far from the others. During the battle, choose some of the items and fight for them, regardless of whether it requires attacking or defending points, so you will have much more value for your team than if you were running from point to point. Of course, you don't have to stick to just one option for the whole game. You can adapt to the conditions on the battlefield. Do not forget to bring equipment suitable for the terrain around the points you have chosen. The AB and FG pairs are mostly open areas where a sniper rifle can be very useful. Looking at points C and D, you will notice that these are mostly urban areas, which will force you to fight at short distances; Assault, Medic and Support rifles will be the prefect here.

The conquest mode usually includes a variety of vehicles. They are capable of making a huge difference on the battlefield. If you want to capture a flag that doesn't have good cover around it, find a tank, a car, or eventually a horse. This will allow you at least a little shelter. As an infantry, at such a point or in the desert you are a very easy target for enemy snipers, tanks and pilots.

When attacking and defending the flag, it is extremely important to maintain control over the area around the flag, and not just in the capture zone itself. That's why if you attack a flag, don't attack it directly, but first focus on the areas around it where enemies may be hiding. Patience is key here, as well as thorough, checking the most important shelters. Similarly, when defending a point, don't stand too close to the flag. Find a relatively safe position from which you will have good eyesight. If there are too many enemies, retreat and wait for the rest of your team to respawn, then attack together.

If you die, you should always try to respawn in a captured place, in a team, or in a car. This will allow you to get back into the fight as quickly as possible. body rub

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