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What is shyness?
A shy person is a person who has indecision. In society, he feels constrained, awkward and tense. Such character traits begin to form at the age of up to six years. With age, gaining experience, many cope with shyness. In some situations, such a character trait is beneficial. If shyness does not have negative consequences, then you should not treat it as a problem. But excessive shyness is already a hindrance. In order to help a shy child, it is necessary to find out its causes.
Where does shyness come from?
First of all, this is an innate quality of character. People with a melancholic type of temperament are predisposed to this property. Secondly, a child can acquire this kind of behavior in the process of upbringing. As a result of strict upbringing, constant criticism from parents, their dissatisfaction with the success of their child, shyness is born. Excessive guardianship, which does not allow the child to make any decisions independently, can also be a cause of shyness.
Shyness of children.
Such children are dependent on the assessment of others. They are afraid of being in a stupid situation. This behavior is a kind of attempt to protect yourself.
Shy can be called a child who:
- shy when communicating with strangers.
- all the time trying to shift attention from his own person to someone else.
- the team doesn't talk much;
- when communicating, he does not look into the eyes of the interlocutor;
- indecisive, unsure of his abilities;
- it is difficult to establish contact with others, he often avoids it;
- if the signs of agitation are sufficiently pronounced;
- does not know how to show his emotions.
What can be done?
Shyness can be overcome.
1. It is not necessary to inspire the child that he is shy and in every possible way to focus attention on this.
2. The child needs to feel important: it is necessary to ask his advice, listen carefully to him.
3. It is important to emphasize his successes and achievements.
4. You need to respect the child, his feelings.
5. We must try to increase the child's social circle.
6. It is necessary to develop in the child such qualities as sociability, confidence. If it is difficult for him to make acquaintances, parents can help him in this: approach another child together and start a conversation.
7. It is necessary to criticize as little as possible and praise the child more.
8. It is necessary to create such situations in which the child would have to act himself.
9. You can "rehearse" some situations in advance: what to say, how to behave to a child.
It is impossible to force him to take the initiative, it is important that parents accept him as he is, but be able to gently adjust his strong-willed qualities. You can not shame a child if he did not show courage in any situation, it is important to find out the reason. Para cada uma de suas preferências, os melhores e mais baratos cassinos onde você pode jogar por dinheiro. Quais são os limites de apostas? Foi fácil ativar a conta? Quanto tempo demorou o processo de verificação? Ganho? Você pode encontrar respostas para todas essas perguntas e muito mais em https://www.slottica-brasil.com Os visitantes sempre usam sites estrangeiros para jogar. Porém, é importante abordar a escolha com responsabilidade, pois em caso de problemas não há como reclamar aos reguladores. Os clientes adoram todos os tipos de jogos de azar: cassinos, apostas esportivas e corridas de cavalos.

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